battle to just label genetically modified material in our food is
heating up. Coca Cola, Pepsico along with a host of industrial ag
folks are heaping money to fight California's Proposition 37 which
would require proper labeling of genetically altered products in our
food stuffs. There are a lot of reasons why genetically modified
crops have no business in our food, and it would be easy to write an
article about why the whole idea needs to be abandoned as one of the
least-wise projects ever taken to enrich people at the expense of the
earth, current populations and future populations.
point of Prop 37 is not to ban these products but simply to label
them. We label the components in our mattresses, but manufacturers
are off the hook for telling mothers what is in the food they give
their children?
fight the initiative, seed giant Monsanto Co, soda and snack seller
PepsiCo Inc and other opponents of the labeling measure have put up
$25 million already and could raise up to $50 million.
Reuters article 8/6/2012
is very wrong. Monsanto and PepsiCo have decided their profits are
more important than the health of children – their products are
already labeled in most of the world, the sad news is that Monsanto
has infested the United States government so thoroughly it is
impotent to fight the multi-national corporations with no interest
in the health of Americans (or any one else for that matter). Not
only is our food unlabeled, these corporations have managed to avoid
any possible regulation from any American government – in the
countries not so easily bought and sold, Monsanto has had a much
harder time gaining any kind of foothold in the food marketplace.
has a record of lies and half-truths that parallel their long history
of reckless behavior towards our planet and all the residents
thereof. There should be no mistake in considering this a company
that has a single thread of altruism in it's veins.
Reuters again:
While Mother Nature does her share of
genetic engineering, human interventions have specific goals, such as
increasing crop yields or helping plants survive droughts or attacks
from pests.
This is sheer Monsanto hype. The
company, and it's competitors have absolutely no interest in things
'such as increasing crop yields or helping plants survive droughts.'
Their business model is heavily invested in telling us things like
that, but even the USDA's own research (and the USDA is pretty much a
shill for all of biotech) concluded after a 15 year study that
genetically modified crops do not hold any significant edge in crop
yield. And reports from the field over this last summer show that
there was no benefit in having so-called 'drought resistant' GM crops
because they were engineered to survive a mild drought but their
engineering was drastically short of the resistance needed to
withstand this year's drought (older, open pollinated corn did
survive to produce a crop for some farmers and we could have had a
substantially larger harvest if more open-pollinated seeds had been
plated). The truth is that there is only one goal for any
multi-national corporation and that is to make money.
Some companies do that by looking for
long-term solutions that will benefit the world, but that is not the
case for Monsanto. ALL of their genetic engineering has been to
create a larger market for their herbicide, Roundup, or creating
crops with pesticides in every cell. At that they have been very
successful. None of this technology though has been tested in the
real world until just recently. And that means there is certainly no
long term study on these crops. Anecdotal evidence though shows some
frightening complications with farm animals fed GM corn, including
an inability to bear offspring. As far as I am concerned, the
simple lack of a long-term study of GM foods' effect on human beings
is enough for a just government, not bought and sold on the black
market, to forbid these products from being sold pending proof that
they are not harmful to humans and the planet. These studies are now
underway: unfortunately WE, you and I and our children, are the lab rats. We will prove, in our living and dying, whether or not this technology can make food that
is safe to eat day in and day out. Note, you are already eating this
Even if you are a vegetarian eating only from a health food
store, chance are you are only limiting, not eliminating, these foods
from your diet. Genetically engineered food is pervasive through out
our country because the first Bush administration (in a memorandum
authored by Vice President Dan 'Potatoe' Quayle) certified that GM crops were
the same as non-GM of the same variety. Of course, our government then went ahead allowing these 'same' crops to be patented as something totally
new and different. What are we to believe?
We should believe that all this is
simply a plan to make profit and externalize the costs to others.
Medical costs, environmental clean up costs are just a few that come
to mind – these corporations are already externalizing their
research costs!
So this is why Monsanto has invested over
$4 million bucks to oppose a campaign that only seeks to label the
presence of their same as/extraodinarily different technology. They
speak out of both sides of their mouths and ignore the honest truth
incessantly – enough for me to get several more blog posts about
Let's be clear: vote yes for Prop 37.
Prop 37 only requires a more honest accounting of what is in our
food. That's all. These corporations are aware that as goes California so goes the rest of the nation, sooner or later, that scares the hell out of them. It should.
Opposing Prop 37 is standing up for
dishonesty and deceit. We have enough of that. We need
multinational corporations to be more accountable to us. Our
government has refused to do it. It is incumbent upon us to do it.
We all need this law, but Mothers, you must protect your children if
not yourself.
Honesty in the labeling of our food
should not be optional.
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